Aaron has agreed to move in with me. Wait, that sounds like I was forcing him. Okay, Aaron has decided that we should be living together. Does that sound better? Yes.
I am beyond excited. I'm so excited that I want to pick out furniture and colour schemes. I have been thinking about nothing else except all of the weird domesticated things I would like to do in
our apartment. Simple things like... I want to make him dinner, or, I want to buy the newspaper on Saturday's and do the crossword at the kitchen table. This is absolutely nothing like me, and I love it!
Just a few hitches, of course, like always. But hopefully nothing too big. I want to be living with him in January, February at the latest... of course, I have a roommate currently and I don't know how he'll react to this -- but! this is what's best for me, Aaron, my cat, and also this wonderful relationship I'm in.
Oh, I need to calm down... it's still months away. I certainly have to start saving up money for first and last again.
Otherwise, things have been good. Spent some time with my brother and his wife/kids on Friday. Had a fantastic lunch with my mom on Friday afternoon at Mahari (or something that sounds like that) downtown -- I had chicken curry). Saturday I spent with Aaron. We went to see Repo! at the Bloor... it was way too busy. I didn't get in, but I got a VIP pass from one of my bosses and that got Aaron in at least. And then we went for a walk downtown and it was an absolutely perfect night. 10/10.
And now, now I need sleep. For, I have to wake up early to catch Neil and talk to him since the morning is the only time when we'll both see each other.
Good night, and all that.