Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm sorry, I've been playing WoW.

World of Warcraft. Yes.
Or, in otherwords, I have been playing the videogame equivelent of drugs. Hard, addictive drugs. I'm not sorry. It fills the vacant RPG-reliant section of my being at times where I'm not playing D&D. And I needs it.

In other news I have been down and out with what I would assume was the flu (is the flu?). I lost three days of work which I can't really afford to miss right now and am still not fully recovered. I have possibly the worst headache in the whole world and to remedy this I have been reading Transmet (I'm not at home, otherwise I would be undoubtably filling my time with levelling my Night Elf Hunter in her skinning and leatherworking skills). This reading explains why I am tempted to rant and rave like an absolutely insane journalist. Though journalism just doesn't do it for me, and never has. Like I'd want to know any more about this world and it's seedy doings. I'm sorry, that's not entirely true there are things that I enjoy. Like this:

Oh, Discovery Channel, you've done it again.

Well damnit. It won't load the page, so I can't embed it.

Work is... work. I still love it, hopefully that doesn't go away. Though I'm not especially thrilled right now as I will be loosing shifts in January -- the month that I need shifts the most what with the moving and everything. Hopefully I will not have to find a secondary job, I'd really hate that (as anyone who was around through the working at the Nutty Chocolatier and the Fox, or at the Nutty and Blockbuster will know -- it might have just been Brenda but, she's ruined my ability to trust two jobs at once). Yesterday one of my bosses called me a 'Fucking Godsend' so that's always nice. I should put that on my resume:

Carolyn Watson,
Fucking Godsend.

I think I have my new blog name.
That's a good way to end this post.

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