New things!
At a new store, Warden and Eglinton. You should visit.
It's ridiculously busy. I'm so tired. But it's good.
Give me three months to get promoted to my own store.
Still not doing anything otherwise.
No school, no plans, no nothing.
Considering buying a house. But probably not until next year.
Did I mention tired?
Have another new tattoo, because that's how I roll.
Buy... Oh wow! Sharon and I are talking about the same thing, but it's going to be a bit longer then I year because she has to finish school.
Might be a little longer for me too -- but a year is what I'm trying for.
Although, if all the planning works out, it'll be pointless to buy a house next year since we'd be moving from Toronto in two and a half. Oh well, we'll see.
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