Wow. Talk about a long time in-between posts.
Up first: What's new with me?
I am now an Assistant Manager at EB; well, at a Gamestop, but it's the same thing. They pay me much better now. I'm not at VP/Danforth anymore but am way the hell out at Markham/Lawrence. I know, I know, you're saying "But Carolyn, that was fast!" since the last post I made was about just starting there; but let me tell you: I am
such a suck up. And am REALLY fucking good at climbing the corporate ladder.
I love my new store. It's WAY quieter than the other one. But it makes me pretty happy. Also, did I mention that they pay me more? Because they do.
I have played and beaten many games. Last up was Halo ODST. WHAT A SHORT GAME. But still pretty awesome from a Halo-Fangirl perspective.
Aaron and I are happily living together. It's pretty wonderful. He's back at school now for his Master's in Library Science. I'm super proud of him. On a side note: I am still not doing anything future-related with my life. IE:School.
Starting tomorrow I am taking Burlesque dancing lessons which I am both excited and nervous about. But mostly excited. I've been dancing a lot on my own. It will be kinda weird to dance in a room with other people.
Also, I've been going to TONS of rockabilly/psychobilly shows with my recently ex-boss and his AWESOME girlfriend Caitlin. I'm full swing into the faux-50's lifestyle and it makes me completely happy. As a side note: Caitlin has also taught me how to sew and is going to teach me cooking... you know, to be a woman and what not. She's pretty awesome. I have a girl-crush.
Aaaaaand I think that's good for now. I'll be back tomorrow night to update on the Burlesque thing.