Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An interview, new hair, and a new house.

Lots of changes!

On Monday I went to a hair college on the Danforth and got my hair done. At some point I will show you all pictures. It's a raisin-brown (so, purple tinted in the sun) on top and the underneath is a bright red with purple highlights (also only appearing in the sunshine). It's very pretty and makes me want to wear make-up again.

Afterwords I dropped by the EB Games at Danforth and VP and ran into a friend from high school who took me out to lunch on his break and mentioned that EB was looking for a key holder, to which I replied, "I often hold keys". Today I dropped off a resume, tomorrow I have a job interview. One problem solved! Or almost solved. But I mean, really, me + games = sure win.

Also I move on Friday! Although, I haven't even finished packing yet. Yes, I should certainly get on that soon.

I'm going to go and make soup now.


the snark said...

I have full confidence in you! good luck.

Kyle said...

I so freaking happy for you!

Once everything starts to clam down, warm up, we are going to spend some time together! Sharon and I miss you dearly!