Thursday, November 6, 2008

Already falling behind...

I'm really bad at this blogging thing.

Okay, so, starting at Halloween.
I went out with Aaron to the Done Right Inn on Queen West with my sister. It's pretty much the regular family bar. But in an odd family way. In the all of us have had some sort of sexual relationship with at least one person there (and, occasionally the same person) way. Aaron went as a priest, and I last-second changed my costume to a Catholic school girl. It was just too good to pass up.
I then got more drunk than I have been in a very long time, I lost my shoes somewhere and didn't actually stop being drunk until sometime in the wee hours of Sunday morning (where I was awakened by the need to throw up for a few hours -- it was horrible).

After the weekend, I worked a lot. Like I do.

Yesterday Dave, Aaron, Neil and I started play testing D&D 4E -- which is fantastic. I missed playing RPG's so very badly. Aaron is a Eladrian Wizard, Neil's a Dragonborn Paladin, and I am an Elven Ranger (I know, not the most original race/class combo -- but I do insane amounts of damage which is Awesome).

Otherwise I am excitedly anticipating February, and sooner than that, this Saturday for the Fox Theatre's Shock & Awe late night to early morning Grindhouse film festival.

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