Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Talk to the bomb...

First off, Shock & Awe was fantastic. Dark Star was/is possibly the most hilarious sci-fi movie I have seen in a while. On every internet communications medium I have written, 'talk to the bomb. Teach it phenomenology.' And now you know what it's from. I want a shirt that says that. /obscure?

Though, as usual, post-Shock & Awe had me working for eleven hours -- on top of the thirteen I spent watching the movies. Yes, that's 24+ hours at the Theatre with no sleep. I still think it was worth it -- even if I spent all of last night with a high fever and a horrible headache (at work again). I think (I hope) I've slept it off today. Went to bed at eleven last night and didn't officially wake up until around 2pm.

I'm still looking at apartments online even though the official move date is not going to be until this coming February. I really can't help it. And I keep finding these gorgeous places that are within my spending limit that will probably be gone by then. It's both frustrating and satisfying. I want to paint and decorate.

I took my cat Locke (or Lockeheed, if I'm trying to comfort her) to the Vet last Monday for her shots... which I should have done years ago but was a very bad pet-owner. I feel much better about taking care of her now and want to do everything I can to keep her happy and healthy. That's another reason why I can't wait until February -- it will be nice to see her nightly and I know that Aaron will spoil her rotten. He loves cats.

I think that's pretty much it for me today. I'm just trying to kill time until Aaron comes home from work.

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