Saturday, December 13, 2008

Meaning of life... stuff.

My sinus headache has gone away for the most part, but I can still feel it lurking just behind my eyes. It's a little uncomfortable.

I have a beer now, I'm about ready to bare my soul in regards to my life and my job...

I think I need to start deciding what to do with my life. What am I going to be? Shouldn't I have a vague answer to this question yet? When did you decide, or have you yet? I want to know all about it.

So... what am I going to be, what am I good at? What do I enjoy?
-History (ancient, not recent)
-Filing (both alphabetical and numerical)
-Mechanics behind film (projectors, theatre)
-Using my hands

Where do I go with that? What combines most of these things?
It feels like Library Sciences would be a good direction. I love books and library's and sorting books... but I know that Aaron is also interested in this field and with us being together (and living together soon) I feel like maybe I would fall into a competition that I would be unable to win/stand. And I don't want to feel as though I'm copying him -- although, I've been considering becoming a librarian for several years now it's just unfortunately convoluted.

I don't know. I'm 23 now, shouldn't I have a direction yet?

I wish I went to school. I'm so lost right now.

EDIT 1:10am
This is remarkably difficult. I don't even know where to start.


Kyle said...

I think that your doing perfectly fine for 23, it would be wise to start thinking about what you want for your future... but in no way should you feel like you've wasted anything....

As for the whole school thing, I know plenty of people that went to school and are worse off then you... so don't feel too bad about that either.

Robyn said...

Can I just tell you that library school blows fucking donkey ass and you don't want to do it ever? Sure, it sounds like a good idea...

The first few classes kind of draw you in because they're very easy and everything sounds wicked cool - freedom of information, dude, can't stop the signal... And then you realize that there's more to it than helping kiddos find the new Magic Treehouse book, and shelving in alpha-numerical order.

Because I plan to finish my degree within the next 10 years, I'm hanging onto my texts. I'll let you take a gander someday and you can see how hideous it truly is. I've been thinking about massage school.

the snark said...

she blinded me with library science!

in conjunction with my other post, i had also considered going on in the ways of museum studies (sometimes blended with library science, depending on the school). There might be some internships you could look into for not necessarily library stuff, but related. i wish i had a job at the library, but no one ever replied to me. *cries*

in terms of your depends how intensively you want to study something. film for example, because i can relate to that. as you may recall i didnt really care about going to university. taking film was what i was immediately good at, but realized i didnt want to go beyond analysing films in class. anthropology/archaeology snuck up on me from there. if you have the urge to be studying, even one little thing, you can always try it out. it might lead you to something more fitting.

since film mechanics relates to photography...have you considered taking more photo classes, for artistic and processing/technician purposes?