Monday, January 19, 2009

Smooth sailing on a fairly windy day.

Things are going well so far, which is nice.
I got an e-mail back from CALC (the continuing education school) and they told me that depending on what I wanted to go to University/College for I would probably not need my actual high school diploma as I've finished all of the mandatory courses. However, if I wanted the sheet of paper then I should take a look at ILC (a night school/online course option) they were very helpful.
So, the school thing is going on a temporary hiatus until Aaron and I get settled into the new place and then I will start in earnest.

Aaron is having some difficulties with things that I will not go into on a public forum. However, this has brought me to the decision to get a secondary job. I know I mentioned that briefly before but now I'm very serious. I've been pushing my bosses for the raise that they told me about back in November and have asked for a reference letter to hand out with my resumes. Though, currently I am still on the finding a secondary 'job I like' and not settling for anything else. Honestly I'd like to work in either a book store or a sex store. Both of these things I am fantastic at. Reading and sex.

What else?
Oh, I'm thinking about dying my hair purple and blond on Saturday with some of the money from this paycheque as my last big 'something for me with my own money' thing. Thoughts?

1 comment:

the snark said...

dear kali,
please post more.
