Monday, October 20, 2008

Continued excitement and a little sappy.

So, I talked to Neil (my roommate) this morning re: living with Aaron. He seems to be okay, and I hope he's not just putting on a brave face about it. The timeline is set to February -- although, we'll be getting together and talking about it on Wednesday. And, February seems so far away. I wish it was tomorrow... but that would be jerky of me, and also, wouldn't give me much time to pack.

But! This is not why I wanted to post tonight.

I wanted to post tonight because I have no stopped thinking about Saturday night and how absolutely fantastic it was. So, here I am about to go into more depth...

We were woken up on Saturday morning by two little (adorable) munchkins jumping on us, which was followed by delicious pancakes and morning drinks at my brothers (by morning drinks, I of course mean beer. No, just kidding. Coffee and tea). Then Dave (the brother of mine) drove us back to Aaron's place -- where Aaron and I went straight back to bed until noon or possibly later. In between then and seven (when we left) we did stuff like... you know, have sex. He played on the internets for a bit and I played an awful lot of Sudoku.

Then we headed downtown to watch Repo! Which mostly meant standing in line until the show had started. I hooked Aaron up with a free VIP pass (because I work in the industry) and sent him on his way -- which caused the other people in line to tell me that I was a fantastic girlfriend. He watched the movie and I browsed a used record store (right beside the theatre).

When the movie ended we just walked. We walked around the downtown a little (and through the Annex on our way to Queen). We window shopped and held hands and he tried to keep me warm. It was just this perfect night... that is apparently hard for me to explain. But... in the end, it has kept me smiling for at least two days now.

And... I have to stop. I could talk about Aaron until my laptop runs out of power (and longer if there was anyone left to listen).

I hope that everyone else has had a good weekend too!

1 comment:

Kyle said...

I am so happy to hear that you are happy together, I was a little worried way back when... but I had faith, and apparently my faith was right :D

Can't wait till the end of the month!!!