Thursday, October 16, 2008

More life stuff. The good, the bad, the... emotional?

Yesterday night was a mix of really good and really bad. Which is usually how my luck works out. (Though, the night ending on a good note was just perfect).

After the dentist I had to go to work. Which in itself is not a bad thing, I love work, and my job, and the people. It's really just dealing with self-righteous assholes every day that gets my back up -- but really, what else should I expect, I live in the Beaches... one of the richest, snobbiest areas in Toronto (I find). There was just one guy last night who made me feel like my authority as the Manager wasn't valid. I wish, I wish I would have kicked him out -- but my trip to the dentist prior had left me feeling vulnerable and weak and I (for once) was just not capable of being the usual 'I won't put up with your crap, get out of my theatre' person that I usually am whilst at work.

That confrontation put me in an even worse place. Also, I should mention that the dentist put me on antibiotics last week and according to my pharmacist, it completely negates the effects of my birth control -- so my hormones are all like 'omg wtf'. My mood swings are pendulous (I hope I'm using that word right). And my poor Aaron was welcomed home -- not by me mauling him (in a sexy way) right as he came through the door (like I had wanted to) -- but instead by me crying myself straight into a asthma attack, and without my emergency puffers too.

But, as always, he talked me through it and calmed me down.

I'm still stressed out today. My money situation is getting worse and worse -- and with a $5,000 dentist bill on the way, I'm not feeling too confident in anything. (Deep breaths Carolyn, deep breaths). On the bright side, he and I started looking at possible (cheaper) apartments. Not to say that moving in together is a sure thing yet (and I'm not getting all of my hopes up just in case) but, at least we're going to sit down and discuss it. Living with Aaron is incredibly important to me right now. It would be wonderful to see him every day -- and also fantastic to have my cat Locke somewhere where I'm able to give her all of the affection she deserves every single day instead of only seeing her a few times a week.

I have to stop writing, this is a long and serious post. Also, I have to get to The Watcher Comics to help my brother with the order.

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